I would have done it myself, and indeed I tried numerous times, but my LimeSDR Mini isn't operating like I need it to, even after the firmware upgrade.
Fortunately, Tech2025 happened to own a HackRF and agreed to transmit for me if I sent a flowgraph, and then he would show the result on an RTL dongle connected to another computer.
After I built a GNUradio flowgraph that uses a Random Source block to transmit QPSK at the proper clock rate for UTSC, I sent it via Discord's file sharing function. Tech2025 transmitted it and sent back screenshots to prove that it worked.
Here's how it looks on my end in GNUradio:
In the following real-world test, a QPSK signal carries random bytes ranging from 0 to 255.
Credit: Tech2025/RFShibe
In the next image, the range was from 0 to 3.
Credit: Tech2025/RFShibe
This signal is roughly as wide as a UTSC channel should be, so we're off to a good start.
The UTSC Air Interface's first Host Bet tests demonstrate promising performance and capabilities for future wireless communications.